Falcon 4.2 with FalconEditor is Here!
June 5, 2024
· Written by
Mike Taylor
Syed Muhammad Maaz
Mish Sukharev

Today, as part of the Falcon 4.2 release, Duality is thrilled to announce the arrival of FalconEditor — our intuitive visual tool for creating and simulating digital twins, expressly designed to streamline and accelerate the adoption of digital twin simulation.

[Read the FalconEditor press release]

FalconEditor is made possible by the combination of:

Let’s take a look at all the possibilities unlocked with the arrival of FalconEditor:

FalconEditor is an integrated development environment (IDE) that, by design, functions to remove the hurdles that arise from using game engines and visual effects simulation tools for industrial simulation purposes. In doing this, FalconEditor also streamlines the generation of high fidelity, photoreal data from digital twin simulation. This release marks a major step in making digital twin simulation readily accessible to engineers and data scientists, thus significantly lowering the barriers to its adoption by AI and automation teams.

Let’s dive deeper into FalconEditor, and all of the new updates to the Falcon product suite.


Version 4.2.0430 (Windows)

To make FalconEditor possible, we added powerful digital twin functionality to Unreal Editor and seamlessly integrated it with FalconSim. Vitally, for frictionless enterprise adoption, FalconEditor is similarly integrated with FalconCloud, our digital twin and scenario catalog and cloud simulation environment. The end result enables Falcon users to take any of the millions of assets from the Unreal Engine ecosystem — items, systems, environments — customize and easily convert (aka “promote”) them to simulation-ready digital twins, complete with tunable parameters and any additional required data.

FalconEditor’s fully visual interface makes placing and manipulating digital twins easy to do. This enables intuitive configuration of diverse simulation scenarios which, with Falcon’s library of virtual sensors, are instantaneously available for data generation.

Users can now compose any scenario, immediately simulate it, and generate data, all in FalconEditor, without need for exporting or switching tools.

Creators can test, iterate, and troubleshoot their scenarios — including editing Python code for augmenting digital twin behaviors — directly in FalconEditor’s IDE. Scenarios can then be executed with complete flexibility by FalconSim in FalconCloud, within enterprise pipelines, or on a local computer.

FalconEditor’s new features significantly lower the barriers to digital twin adoption, and greatly streamline simulation composition and execution. This includes:

Downloading, Creating, and Editing Sim-Ready Digital Twins of Environments, Systems and Items
  • Download digital twins from FalconCloud or import from most DCC applications.
  • Promote any 3D asset to a digital twin (with support for a wide variety of 3D formats, including USD, glTF, UAsset, CAD, and more).
  • Create Digital Twin Encapsulation Standard (DTES) compliant digital twins for maximal interoperability, and reusability in any context.
  • Seamlessly modify, refine and customize digital twins and their properties (visual options, behaviors, scripts, etc).  
Composing Scenarios
  • Modularly combine digital twins to compose scenarios that reflect diverse real-world situations using an intuitive visual interface. Example: drag and drop digital twins directly into the viewport.
  • Interactively set initial conditions. Example: change locations and positions of digital twins with simple XYZ dragging.
  • Modify digital twins directly within the scenario mode, enabling users to visually adjust individual twins quickly
Adding and Configuring Sensors
  • Attach any sensor from Falcon’s ever-expanding sensor library (including, cameras, LiDAR, IMU, and many more, all with a full annotation pipeline) to any system all while composing the scenario.
  • Visualize and adjust sensor placement as easily as moving any other digital twin — and concurrently define all sensor parameters — enabling quick adjustments and intuitive fine-tuning.
Simulating and Generating Synthetic Data
  • Simulate any scenario directly in FalconEditor with just a single click.
  • Preview behaviors, interactions, and data output in real time.
  • Quickly iterate scenario design in a powerful integrated environment — and get immediate results and feedback via full FalconSim capabilities in FalconEditor.
  • Troubleshoot your scenario and simulate again without need for switching tools.
Sharing of Digital Twin and Scenarios for Cloud-based Collaboration
  • Package digital twins and scenarios for running in FalconSim or easy upload to FalconCloud.
  • Upload digital twins and scenarios to FalconCloud for zero-friction simulation in the web browser, or for seamless sharing with team members and any other stakeholders.

To learn more about FalconEditor:
Contact us here or email


FalconCloud updates are focused on improved accessibility and on the expansion of the FalconCloud digital twin library of freely available simulation-ready assets. The constantly growing catalog of communally available, high-fidelity twins of environments, systems and items, continues to make easier than ever for any user to access FalconCloud and leverage these free digital twins to immediately build and simulate scenarios.

New Environment Twins
  • DesertDuality: Immerse yourself in vast desert landscapes with this 1km by 1km environment twin, perfect for simulating arid conditions
  • ForestDuality: Delve into dense forest environments with this 1km by 1km environment twin, offering rich foliage and diverse ecosystems.
New System Twins
  • SUVFalcon: Start your SUV simulations quickly with this base SUV system twin, providing a comprehensive setup tailored for SUVs.
  • QuadcopterFalcon: Take to the skies swiftly with this quadcopter system twin, offering a ready-to-fly configuration for aerial simulations.
Improved UI Experience
  • New FalconCloud home page design built around featuring tutorials and guides for a simpler and more welcoming onboarding process.
  • More direct access to the Downloads section enables users to quickly find Falcon installers and supplementary resources.
Expanded Digital Twin Management
  • Digital Twins can now be versioned and downloaded for both FalconSim and FalconEditor utilization.

Try it yourself on FalconCloud!


Version 4.2.0430 (Windows and Linux Ubuntu 20.04)

Significant FalconSim updates are focused on further expanding the capabilities of the Capture Sensor, Duality’s novel architecture that offers all of Falcon's camera sensors in a single sensor and provides a noticeable increase in sensor rendering speed. The Capture Sensor can be queried for individual sensing modalities, such as an RGB color image, but also provides additional scene information, thanks to Duality’s custom build of the Unreal Engine.

New Capture Sensors Features
  • Addition of new LiDAR sensor.
  • Additional camera render controls.
  • New data format support.

Note: All Falcon 3.3 and 4.1 scenarios and pak files are also compatible with Falcon 4.2.