Our customers have achieved 98+% accuracy in perception tasks with synthetic data alone. Our guided lessons will show you how!
Object detection is a foundational task for most perception systems. Using simulation, learners generate data, train a model, and and locate an object in real-world imagery.
Learners create their own training simulation by downloading, promoting, and training on a new object from our Digital Twin Catalog. Additionally, they can learn to create and annotate their own images.
Most object detection functions require the AI model to correctly and consistently identify different types of objects, or classes. Learners train a robust AI model to detect and differentiate between multiple classes.
Simulation can be daunting, but Falcon and the EDU Subscription are built to help everyone clear their hurdles.
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“In high volume manufacturing, the accuracy needed from these ML models exceeds 99.9%. Decreasing our error rate from 4% to 0.02%, as we saw with our pilot project, clearly showed the value of synthetic data enabled quickly with Falcon”.
“Falcon enables us to rigorously test our autonomy algorithms in photorealistic environments an order of magnitude larger than any we’ve previously used. The evolution of these simulation tools can dramatically increase the velocity at which we validate our aerial autonomy software, and to that purpose, Duality's Falcon platform has been the best visual scene generator that we've worked with."